Wisconsin Planning - National Awards

Westlawn Gardens - HUD Secretary Opportunity and Empowerment Award Winner
Westlawn Gardens - APA Planning Excellence 2018
The original Westlawn neighborhood in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was formed more than 50 years ago with 726 barrack-style housing units for 1,800 residents, many of whom were minority and very-low-income wage earners.
Wisconsin's largest public housing neighborhood has transformed from an aged and stressed community into a vibrant, mixed-use and mixed-income neighborhood after an inclusive and participatory planning process. The project's innovation lies in its approach to financial, environmental, and social sustainability.
Westlawn Gardens shows that public housing can be attractive, sustainable, and healthy, and it has changed the perception of public housing.
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Photo courtesy of APA. Description courtesy of APA.

Larry Witzling - Planning Pioneer Award Winner
Lawrence P. Witzling - APA Planning Excellence 2017
For more than four decades, Larry Witzling has inspired generations of planners and urban designers. As an active practitioner, and as a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM), Witzling has shared his extensive knowledge with students and aspiring professionals. He has always encouraged his students and colleagues to push the boundaries of innovation and excellence in their work.
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Photo courtesy of GRAEF. Description courtesy of APA.

Williamson-Marquette Neighborhood - Great Neighborhood 2013
Williamson-Marquette Neighborhood – APA Great Neighborhood 2013
Located on Madison's Isthmus between
Lake Mendota and Lake Monona, Williamson-Marquette is one of Madison's oldest
neighborhoods. From its earliest beginnings in the late 1850s, Marquette, as it
commonly is known, has embraced diversity. Grand Victorian homes were built
along the lakefront, and single family Queen Annes and two flats filled the
adjacent grid. Along Williamson, the neighborhood main street, modest workers'
cottages were sandwiched between shops, taverns, implement dealers, and
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Photo courtesy Brent Nicastro. Description courtesy of APA.

RiverWalk, Milwaukee - Great Public Places 2011
Milwaukee RiverWalk - APA Great Public Space 2011
Milwaukee RiverWalk was planned as a
down-to-earth public space where residents could take peaceful walks, dine
outdoors, and access the river for fishing, kayaking, and canoeing. It has been
more successful than anyone involved with the unique public-private initiative
ever imagined. Construction of the $35 million pedestrian-only walkway, which
has one of the most innovative bridges found anywhere, increased the value of
adjoining property by more than $500 million. Removal of a dam at the northern
end of the walkway, a cleanup of river pollution, and wastewater treatment
improvements have enhanced water quality and helped restore fisheries to the
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Photo courtesy of the Milwaukee Department of
City Development. Description courtesy of APA.

East Newberry Boulevard, Milwaukee, Wisconsin -- Great Street 2009
East Newberry Boulevard - APA Great Street 2009
Recognized for its exceptional concentration of architecturally distinguished homes built during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, East Newberry Boulevard is an iconic example of the boulevard planning concepts espoused by Frederick Law Olmsted and tied closely to the construction of two Olmsted-designed parks at the east and west ends of the boulevard. The boulevard's majesty is enhanced by the works of several notable architects and builders from the area at the time. These well-crafted, unique houses were designed not just as showplaces but to withstand the test of time.
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Photo courtesy of Dave Lahaye. Description courtesy of APA.