Equity and Inclusive Planning

Changing the Equity Landscape with APA-WI

Equity and inclusivity are important to APA-WI and the planning industry. We work to provide resources and programs that can aid in progress among planners and clients. 

Read the statement endorsed by the APA-WI Chapter Board of Directors and by the APA-WI Equity and Diversity Committee.

APA-WI is pleased to share with you the FINAL approved Equity and Diversity Action Plan and introduce you to the new Equity and Diversity Committee.

APA-WI Equity and Diversity Committee (name, term)

Donna Martin-Brown, 2020
Jason Gilman, 2020-2021
Ria Hull, 2020-2021 (chair)
Keith Johnathan, 2020-2021
Kevin Kuschel, 2020
Lori Palmeri, 2020-2021
Todd Violante, 2020
Nancy Welch, 2020
Vacant, 2020-2021

Vacant, 2020-2021

Please contact President Jason Gilman (jason.gilman@isginc.com) if you are interested in serving on this committee.

Results of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training Needs Survey 2020 — APA-IL and APA-WI


This survey was conducted as a partnership of between APA-IL and APA-WI in February 2020.  It was designed to assess training needs in preparation for an upcoming diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) half-day workshop in the fall of 2020.   The training project is funded by the APA Chapter Presidents Council. 

The survey addresses discrimination and climate in planning in Illinois and Wisconsin,  perceived training needs, the level of demand for DEI training, and stories of DEI problems in planning that could be useful in building a training program.  This survey does not limit itself to the training needs of planners and planning  organizations,  but also seeks to identify training needs of commissioners/elected officials and community members engaged in planning.  


The chapter is working on improving opportunities for professional development addressing inequities in our communities and practicing more inclusive planning. Below are some resources related to this topic and chapter initiative.

Download a pdf of resources including websites, documentaries, mapping tools, books, articles, youth engagement, local partnerships and so much more! 

APA Resources

Submit Your Sources!

Do you have other helpful videos, books, articles or programs? We want to continue growing our list of resources for equity and inclusion within the planning industry.  Please send resources you recommend for APA-WI to share to apawi@lfpublicrelations.com

Thank you to one of our generous sponsors, Foth.

Foth 2021

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